Action specialist John Moore is set to direct the action thriller N.O.C., which follows Alek, a C.I.A. deep undercover operative who discovers that a faction of the agency is collaborating with the terrorist cell he was sent to infiltrate. Stuck in a hospital in Berlin, Alek teams up with Corinne, an emergency medical technician who saved his life, to try and find evidence of the conspiracy.
Gabriela Bacher will produce for Summerstorm Entertainment, a subsidiary of Film House Germany, together with Vandal Entertainment’s Navid Mcllhargey and Cargo Entertainment’s Marina Grassic. John Moore, Peter Veverka, Christian Angermayer and Clemens Hallmann will executive produce.
Mimi Steinbauer for Radiant Films International/Cargo Entertainment is handling foreign sales at Cannes.
N.O.C. based on an original idea by Daniel Scott Gordon, Dave Matalon and Gordon penned the screenplay.
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